Can you imaging a wooden pavilion 105M tall and 100M wide, as huge as a 20 storey building? This is the Sanctuary of Truth located in north of Pattaya. It truly fits the description of amazing Thailand. Yet not many visitors are aware of even after many visits to Pattaya! I am among one of these.
Location as seen from Google Earth satellite picture.

To be fair, not all Thais know of it too! It had been in construction since 1981 and it is still not finish to this day! My Thai friend who brought me there did not know of its existence till one day his girlfriend phoned him to catch it on TV.
When I saw photos from his visit, "Is it a temple?" I asked. No.
Then is it a theme park? No again.
Then what is it? I only had the answer after my visit!
It is a philosophical statement manifested in art form. A legacy of Khun Lek, a self made billionaire. This remarkable gentleman is another story by itself.
Its vision is no better encapsulated by these words on its web site; quote
"The building was constructed according to ancient Thai ingenuity
and every square inch of the building is covered with wooden carve
sculpture. The purposes of decoration with wooden carve sculptures
are to use art and culture as the reflection of Ancient Vision of Earth,
Ancient Knowledge, and Eastern Philosophy. With in this complex,
visitors will understand Ancient Life, Human Responsibility, Basic
Thought, Cycle of living, Life Relationship with Universe and
Common Goal of Life toward Utopia." unquote
Or these words engraved on a wooden panels within the pavilion:

I had the fortune of meeting the architect of its design on the day of visit.. this gentleman, a fine arts professor from a local university.

Looking up to assess work in progress with master builders.

Scaffoldings atop roof where new sculptures are being erected

Marvelous display of art works everywhere your head turns!

Some close up views..

Centerpiece of the huge hall

Huge floor boards - single piece timber more than a meter wide!

The hands behind the art work... master craftsmen & women too!

Can't show you all my photos or tell their story here, you'll enjoy better with a visit!
More info at their web site:
You can also find some write up of this place at: